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Put-in-Bay School News March 2013

School News March 20-The 2012-2013 Panther Basketball Season was a great success. The team finished with a record of 13 wins and 2 loses. Coach Schuffenecker said, “This team worked really hard and accomplished many things they can be proud of.” Leading the team in scoring was senior captain Shawn Seaberg with 15.7 points per game.

He scored over 638 points in his career. Senior Wyatt Auger leads the team in assists with 4 per game. A trio of juniors played very well: Casey Pippert-Ladd scored 11.8 ppg and had 6.8 RPG; Cody Porche scored 9.8 ppg and 6.5 rpg, and Arthur Wolf chipped in with 4.7 ppg and 5.4 RPG. Also contributing were Elliot Kowalski, Gunnar Auger, and Ian Pippert-Ladd.

There was not a girls team this year so Madeline Pugh, Victoria Wertenbach, Jessica Krueger, and Meredith Engel, coined “The Dream Team,” played on the boy’s team. When the girls got into the game the team’s execution never missed a beat. In fact, the energy level picked up as the girls contributed quality minutes. “We are already excited for next season to begin. We have plans to travel to Beaver Island, Michigan for a game which should be a lot of fun. If we continue to improve in the offseason, we could have another great year.”

In other school news, The 13th annual Science Olympiad was held on February 1. Students competed in a variety of events, testing their resourcefulness and knowledge of science. The highlight of the day was when an egg stayed unbroken after being catapulted fifty feet on to a landing pad! The winner of the “Edison Award” for all around points ended up being a tie between Arthur Wolf, Casey Pippert-Ladd, and Ian Pipper-Ladd. In addition, the winner of the Class Competition, or “Ford Award”, was the Class of 2013.

Congratulations to 6th grader, Jack Booker and 8th grader, Amanda Cottrill for winning the Put-in-Bay School Spelling Bee on January 24th. The inclement weather got in the way of a trip for these two to the Ottawa County Spelling Bee so they will give it another try next year.

Archery Coach Susan Harrington is taking her archery team to Columbus for the State Archery Tournament on March 1st and 2nd. We have faired very well in this tournament in the past and hope to qualify for the National Tournament once again. Good Luck

High School Math Teacher Danny Kowalski has planned another challenging “Murder Mystery Week” for the students starting March 4th. Students will match wits as they look for clues and apply their skills in solving the mystery. This is always a fun activity
for our students.

On Friday, March 8th, many of our students will showcase their talents at the Annual Put-in-Bay Talent Show. The show begins at 7 p.m. in the school’s gymnasium.-  Come enjoy as our kids perform on stage. The junior class is planning another pizza night fundraiser for Thursday, March 14th. Contact the school if you would like to order a delicious pizza and one of our juniors will deliver it to your door!

March is a big month for all students as they begin preparation for the Ohio Academic Achievements tests in April. These tests will assess academic achievement levels and individual improvement. Also, Good luck to our students in grades 5 thru 8 as they prepare for the Ottawa County Academic Challenge on March 18 and 19 we will report the results in upcoming school news.

Put-in-Bay High School News Alumni Match the Put-in-Bay High School Alumni member to their shenanigan. Disclaimer: Several sources were interviewed for this article. In lieu of public records for verification, some of the information provided may not be entirely accurate. But it probably is. 🙂 SHENANIGANS ___ I climbed the old water tower and got caught painting it white. ___ I ran into Jon Bon Jovi’s limo while on a spring break trip to Florida. ___ During a “Midnight Ladies” rendezvous,

I bought a 1929 Ford Model A Roadster with Monopoly money. ___ I tried to take a giant hippo to school. ___ I had the remains of a black eye in my senior picture due to running into another participant while toilet-papering a house. ___ I was sent home from school for wearing pants. ___ When the teacher told me to “take the door and leave” I took the door off the hinges and left with it!

___ I was a participant in the most recent school piling. ___ Alfred Parker busted us taking the Model A of one of our parents for a joy ride. ___ We got caught playing cards during study hall and had to go before the Board of Education. ___ After using our slingshots to break the windows in Augusta, the rag man’s house, we had to go before Mayor T.B. Alexander.

Attend the 2013 Put-in-Bay High School Alumni Association Annual Reunion to see what shenanigans await you! To ensure you receive your invitation, please send your current email and mailing address to the Alumni Secretary, Cinnamon Morris Groot at pibalumni@ yahoo.com. Also, visit the Put-in-Bay HS Alumni Association on Facebook to reconnect with your classmates, share memories, and discover interesting facts about other graduates from Put-in-Bay High School! Stay tuned to school news for the results!


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