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Put-in-Bay Church News May 2016

SUNDAY WORSHIP TRANSITION … Our “summer” Put-in-Bay Church service moves to Sunday evenings … with worship at 6:30 pm … will take place on May 15, which is the Day of Pentecost. Those who come for prayer are encouraged to wear the color RED! On both May 1 and 8, worship will be held at 3:00 pm. Our worship style at St. John@TheBay is “casual,” and the music is more contemporary, yet we seek “To share the good news of Jesus and grow disciples with all who live, work and visit on South Bass Island.”

Continuing into the month of May, Pastor Jim Lehman can be available on Friday afternoons if you are in need of conversation, prayer or a visit. Please call ahead and schedule a time with Pastor Jim at 419.341.7216.

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church May Celebrations at St. Paul’s May is a month of celebrations at St. Paul’s! On May 8th, The Rt. Rev. William D. Persell, Assisting Bishop in the Diocese of Ohio, will join the congregation in a festive Eucharist where we will offer Mother’s Day Prayers. The following Sunday, May 15th, will celebrate Pentecost, also known as “Whitsunday” in Europe.

Pentecost Sunday celebrates the gift of the Holy Spirit to the Church and Christ’s presence with us in His Holy Spirit and His Church daily until the end of time. On May 22nd, the congregation will observe Trinity Sunday, the first Sunday after Pentecost, celebrating the whole Christian experience of God, who we know to be Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, one God. We will also have our welcome dinner for our international students next month.

Hundreds of Labyrinth visitors annually- Hundreds of people walk St. Paul’s labyrinth each year. Since there is no sign-in, we aren’t sure how many have come, but we have already seen a large number. On April 16th, thirty youth group members from Christ United Methodist Church in Kettering, Ohio, came to spend the day at Put-in-Bay. Their scavenger hunt had them exploring South Bass State Park, DeRivera Park, downtown, and walking St. Paul’s labyrinth.

Six groups with color-coded bandannas experienced their first labyrinth walk and learned about the benefits of walking meditation. The group is also very involved in service projects. St. Paul’s welcomes various groups to come and walk the labyrinth. The labyrinth is listed on the web-based Worldwide Labyrinth locator. Some people learn about it on the web, others by word of mouth, and some see the labyrinth as they pass by and stop to walk.

St. Paul’s maze is open for hiking from dawn to dusk daily. Labyrinth workshops may be scheduled by calling the church office at 419-285-5981. The “best time” to walk the labyrinth may be early morning when the trees provide the best shade.

Ascension Day makes the Top Ten at St. Paul’s Holiday means “holy day.” The church celebrates the most important holidays with intention. Most people can name the top two (Easter and Christmas), but can you call the rest? Ascension Day is usually often seen as #4 on the list, with Pentecost coming in at #3. St. Paul’s will observe this holy day with an outdoor celebration on the labyrinth this year.

All are welcome to this celebration on Thursday, May 5th at 7 p.m. Ascension Day marks the 40th day of Easter. It commemorates Jesus Christ’s ascension into heaven following his death and resurrection, as recorded in the passages found in Luke 24:50-51 and Acts 1:8-11.


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