Open House Play To Be Performed
The Put-in-Bay Arts Council will be presenting the spring play Open House at the Put-in-Bay Town Hall Theatre on April 14th, 15th and 16th, so if you’re looking for a barrel of laughs, you’ll want to put aside these dates to attend. The comedy is entitled “Open House.” This play in three acts by James Reach is the story of a newlywed who leads his bride to believe he is a millionaire. The groom, a schmuck who is in way too far over his head, is played by Patrick Myers, and his belle of a sweet young bride is played by Christie Ontko, who will charm the audience with her southern drawl.

Peter Huston prepares sign for Open House Play
Other cast members include Rich Myers, who plays a real estate agent, Kathy Sopko, playing the domineering mother-in-law, and Brad Mathys, who plays the owner of the bank where the groom works. Rachel Mathys, along with her secretary played by her real daughter, Sara Farman, Leah Market, Craig Schuffenecker, Jessica Farman and Joe Foutts have roles we won’t divulge here for sake of not giving away too much of the hilarious story.
Let’s just say the play involves real estate, money, banking, thievery, music writing, plumbing and deception and leave it at that. You won’t be disappointed and you’ll enjoy an evening of fun watching Put-in-Bay’s thespians juggle this plot on stage, believe us!
The play, which has been in rehearsals for several weeks, is directed by Joe Foutts, a veteran of Put-in-Bay play production. Joe tells us the play was written some years ago, but some things have been added to make the production more contemporary. Behind the scenes for this production are Karina and Elliot Kowalski who handle lights and sound respectively.
Tickets for the play can be purchased the evening of the show. Get there early because the curtain goes up at 7:30 p.m. on each night of the performance. Tickets are $8 for adults, $4 for kids and $6 for seniors (that’s “senior” seniors, not high school seniors). And one note of caution: If you see the marquee on the town hall announcing in big orange letters “Open House,” please don’t be confused. The name of the play is “Open House.” There isn’t going to be an open house at the Town Hall, just a darn good entertaining comedy for everyone to enjoy. See you there!