The senior citizens of Put-in-Bay enjoyed a wonderful
Christmas luncheon on Wednesday, Dec. 14th. The kitchen
staff who prepared the incredible food were (left to right)
Sarah Toole, Tom Thanasiu, Oliver Thwaite, Kelly Mohn and
Susan Thwaite.
Put-in-Bay Senior Center News January 2017
With the hustle and bustle of the holidays over at the Put-in-Bay Senior Center, we’re looking forward to life slowing down a bit! During the offseason, a “Soup and a Show,” “Wii Bowling,” or similar activity is added at least once a month at the Put-in-Bay Senior Center, but are often not planned far enough in advance to make publication. Check out the calendars posted at the Senior Center, General Store, Put-in-Bay Post Office, Township Office, or the Put-in-Bay Library for any last-minute events!
The Put-in-Bay Senior Center is always looking for more people to participate in our activities; please feel free to stop by and join us anytime. December’s notable events included the Senior Christmas Luncheon … where everyone dressed up, the facility looked beautiful, and all enjoyed a delicious holiday meal together. A special shout out to Sue Thwaite and her fantastic “elves” … Brian Thwaite, Sarah Toole, Kelly Mohn, and Tom Thanasiu for another fabulous meal!
Then came a cold and snowy Friday evening on Dec. 16th when a group of seniors crowded into Larry Kowalski’s Put-in-Bay Taxi to travel up and down nearly every street on Put-in-Bay to judge the Christmas lights and decorations.
We saw many beautiful displays: quaint traditional ones, fun, colorful ones, and several truly unique ones!!! What’s impressive is how many of our island residents decorate their homes for such a limited audience!
Everyone should take a long drive around to enjoy these hidden holiday treasures. After much thought and deliberation, the winners have decided: 1st place went to Carmen and Bill Trisler with their traditional charm, fresh greenery roping, white lights, and street-lining luminaries. 2nd Place was tied between Matt and Laurie Miller and Tim and Jeanette Luecke, 3rd Place was a three-way tie between Tom and Barb Cooper, Bill and Sherri Kowalski and Connie Drake.
Put-in-Bay Senior Center Honorable Mentions were Bill, Lois Jellison, Pinky Batt, and Sue Amrine, and the “Most Unique” went to Scott Market’s VW Van. Top Street Décor went to Mitchell Road. We also want to say how much we enjoyed the businesses that were decorated for all to enjoy. The Crew’s Nest/Put-in-Bay Winery and The Candy Bar were a couple that stood out. There were many other fantastic holiday light displays throughout the island … it’s a tribute to the residents that keep this tradition going.
The Put-in-Bay Senior Center would like to say “THANK YOU” again to the Girl Scouts for all their hard work in assembling and delivering the Christmas Fruit Baskets during December. The seniors truly appreciate everyone behind the scenes who also contributed to the delicious baskets. Lastly, a big “shout out” goes to the Recreation Committee for their generous contributions toward the Fruit Baskets, Christmas Luncheon, and Holiday Light Judging Prizes. How blessed we are to live in such a wonderful caring community!!!
Everyone here at the Put-in-Bay Senior Center looks forward to the New Year! Many new ideas are tossed around for memorable day trips to the mainland. Hopefully, we can help make 2017 a great year and more great reasons to Visit Put-in-Bay