What’s happening at Erie Islands Library?
New Look at-Erie Islands Library will be getting a makeover in December! We will be given a fresh, clean look by BayCraft Builders by painting our library. Unfortunately, we will have to close the library from Monday, December 4th, through Thursday, December 7th for this transformation to take place. Patrons can still return their books in the book drop and fines will be
adjusted. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
Homework Help- Continuing in December, the library will be offering “Homework Help” on Wednesdays and Thursdays after school. Due to the library closing the first week of December and Christmas vacation at the school, the dates will be limited to December 13th, 14th and 20th. Children should bring their books, papers, pencils, and whatever materials are needed to complete their assignments. A librarian will be available to assist students in grades 3 through 8 from 3:15-4 pm. If your child needs help or just a quiet place to study, encourage them to join us!
Lego Night-Back by popular demand is Lego Night for Kids. Children in grades 3-8 are invited to come to the library on Tuesday, December 12th from 4:30-5:15 p.m. to free build with our Legos. We have lots of Legos and books with ideas!
Movie Night- What would December be without a Christmas movie? This month’s Movie Night will feature “Polar Express” with Tom Hanks. It will be shown on Thursday, December 14th from 5-6:30 p.m. Parents are invited to share this special time with their children.
Storytime- Preschool Storytime with Librarians Lily and Karen will be held on Monday, December 18th at 10:30 am. The theme will be “ABC’s.” Those island children age three and under are invited to attend with a caregiver for stories, poems, songs, and crafts. Pass the word!
Notary Service- Did you know that free notary services are available throughout the year? Also, there is free Wi-Fi available for your personal devices or stop by and use one of our free computers…even if you don’t have a library card. For a small fee, the library can make copies and send faxes. Are you over 60 years of age? Stop by to sign up for a free Golden Buckeye card today!
Library Closed-We will be closed on Monday and Tuesday, December 25th and 26th to celebrate the Christmas holiday with our families. We wish you and your family the merriest Christmas ever! May the peace and joy of this holiday season be yours.