Library News November 2017 What’s Happening At The Local Library
What’s happening at the Erie Islands Library? November is a particular time of the year on the islands. Many of our summer friends have left until next spring. Those of us left are scurrying about preparing for the winter months of isolation. At Erie Islands Library, we have lots of activities to occupy your time!
Notary Service-Did you know that free notary services are available at the library throughout the year? Also, free Wi-Fi is available for your personal devices, or stop by and use one of our free computers…even if you don’t have a library card. For a small fee, the library can make copies and send faxes. Are you over 60 years of age? Stop by to sign up for a free Golden Buckeye card today!
Spanish Lessons-Librarian Sue Duff will continue her Beginning Spanish series on Wednesday, November 1st. A class for adults only will be held from 1:30 to 2:15 p.m., and a lesson for children will be held immediately after school from 3:15 to 4 p.m. Due to the approaching holidays, this will be the last class scheduled until January. Don’t miss out! Even if you could not attend the previous lessons, please feel free to participate in future courses.
Homework Help-Beginning in November, the library will be offering “Homework Help” on Wednesdays and Thursdays after school beginning November 8th. Children should bring their books, papers, pencils, and materials to complete their assignments. A librarian will be available to assist students in grades 4 through 8 from 3:15 – 4 p.m. If your child needs help or a quiet place to study, encourage them to join us!
Preschool Story Time- There will be a Preschool Storytime with Librarians Lily and Karen on Monday, November 13th, at 10:30 a.m. The theme will be “Numbers.” Those island children aged three and under are invited to attend with a caregiver for stories, poems, songs, and crafts. Pass the word!
Kitchen Fun! Does your child like to help out in the kitchen? On Tuesday, November 14th, there will be an activity that he/she will love! Librarian Gay Pippert will bring in pre-made cookies for children to decorate. Frosting and cookies will be supplied. Kitchen fun for all ages! Call for time.
Movie & Popcorn Night- Mark your calendars for the ever-popular “Movie and Popcorn Night” on Thursday, November 16th, from 5-6:30 p.m. Families and kids of all ages are invited to join us at Erie Islands Library for a kid-friendly movie that will be announced two weeks before the date.
Closed for Holidays-Erie Islands Library will be closed on Thursday, November 23rd so that the staff can celebrate Thanksgiving with their families. We hope you enjoy this special day with your families and friends! We will open again at noon on Friday, November 24th, to meet your needs.