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Put-in-Bay Diary April 2011 What You Missed On The Island!

Put-in-Bay Diary- Tues., March 1st – March comes in like a lamb, out like a lion. Will it go out like a lion? There are still ice fishermen out by Rattlesnake Island. Adam Riley from Island Bike Rental and Put-in-Bay Marina is busy distributing the March issue of the Put-in-Bay Gazette around the island while the editors are on vacation.

Put-in-Bay Diary-Wed., March 2nd – Marilyn Rudolph Linton, Put-in-Bay High School Class of 1940, celebrates her birthday. Marilyn is the oldest Put-in-Bay High School graduate on the Put-in-Bay Facebook Page.

Put-in-Bay Diary  Thurs., March 3rd – The Put-in-Bay PTA meets at Put-in-Bay School. President Kelly Mohn is still looking for someone to take over the position she’s held for the last several years.

Put-in-Bay Diary  Fri., March 4th – The Put-in-Bay Archery Team is in Columbus to compete in the state championships. The Verhoff
Dinner takes place at the Town Hall. The lasagna dinner made us feel like we were Italian.

Put-in-Bay Diary -Sat. March 5th – Bud Stonerook on North Bass reports the ice breaking between Middle Bass and North Bass.

Put-in-Bay Diary -Sun., March 6th – The Put-in-Bay Arts Council meets at the Town Hall to discuss the upcoming summer events and possible town hall renovation projects.

Put-in-Bay Diary -Mon., March 7th – No Martini Monday at the Skyway- Jeff Bykowski is out bucket fishing by Rattlesnake Island and catching walleye.

Tues., March 8th – It’s Fat Tuesday at Put-in-Bay. The Fastnacht Party takes place at the Put-in-Bay Town Hall. Dan Kowalski got in a little late-season ice fishing.

Wed., March 9th – A little rain helps soften the ice, and Heidi Ladd celebrates her birthday.

Thurs., March 10th – A few PIBers, Kendra and Jeff Koehler, Barb Chrysler, and Barb Hunter, have their first ferry ride of the season. It’s not across the South Passage but across Mobile Bay in Alabama to Dolphin Island. Another snowstorm starts after dinner.

Fri., March 11th – Steve and Jill Cooks are off Hawaii on a cruise when the Tsunami from the Japan earthquake hits.

Sat., March 12th – Carol Gentry is getting antsy. There’s too much ice in the lake, and she says, “GET THIS ICE OUTTA HERE!!!! We need the ferry to run A.S.A.P.! Please!”

Sun., March 13th – Caroline Conrad reports some of her spring flowers are popping up, and Kathy Sopko says her crocuses are blooming.

Mon, March 14th – The Put-in-Bay Volunteer Fire Department meets. They are looking for new members. Membership is open to anyone over the age of 18. Joan “Ma Werty” Wertenbach sees several deer emerge from the woods on Thompson Rd. At the Put-in-Bay Chamber of Commerce meeting, there is a discussion about the upcoming Pyrate Fest and Rally on the Rock in June.

Tues, March 15th – There is still plenty of ice north of North Bass and in the lake around the islands. When will it ever go? Among friends helping Linda Ostrander celebrate her birthday are Jane Ruthsatz, Pam Hughes, Jennifer Blumensaadt, Anita McCann, Patty Bauer, Caroline Conrad, and Theresa “The Sheriff” Finney. They fly to Kelleys Island for a little celebration at the Pump and then return to Tipper’s at Put-in-Bay for a little more fun.

Wed., March 16th – Marv Booker and Pat Thwaite host a pre-pizza dinner cocktail party at their vacation condo in Perdido Key, Florida. Among those enjoying cocktails are Jen and Andy Slaine, Barb Hunter, Marty and Kelly Faris, Roger and Mary Parker, Jeff, and Kendra Koehler, and Barb Chrysler.

Thurs., March 17th – St. Patrick turns up the temperature on the island so islanders can enjoy a little outdoor fun in the Fishbowl parking lot. It’s a balmy 56.8 degrees at 5 p.m.

Fri., March 18th – The ice in the lake is deteriorating ever so slowly. What is needed is a good breeze, and it will all be gone.

Sat. March 19th – The ice in the Bay is open, but the ice in the lake west of the islands lingers. It’s Tipper’s bartender Jason Buttrey’s 39th birthday. Former island resident MaryHauck is 90 years old today!!!!!

Sun., March 20th – It’s announced on Facebook The Put-in-Bay ferry will begin to run in two days on Tuesday, March 21st! A boat enters the harbor and ties up at the Put-in-Bay Docks. It’s a Coast Guard boat.

Mon., March 21st – The crew at Miller Boat Line is back at work!

Tues., March 22nd – The day has finally come! It’s the first day a Miller ferry runs for the 2011 season.

Wed., March 23rd – Eric Booker, Julie New, Marie Schroeder, and Chad Overmier from the Boardwalk and Hooligans attend a food show in Novi, Michigan.

Thurs., March 24th – It’s Nancy McGary’s birthday. The “Cold Duck,” the Marinette boat used on North Bass, is back on North Bass after spending the winter in Bob Glauser’s barn on Put-in-Bay, where he worked his magic getting it ready for the 2011 season. Julie New from the Boardwalk says, “It’s official; the tourists are here!” As she was leaving the Boardwalk office, she spotted a young couple peering in the doors to The Upper Deck. They asked her if it was open for lunch.

Fri., March 25th – “window pane” ice covers the entire Bay. The first ferry of the season to Middle Bass goes through on its first run of the day. The seagulls standing on the ice watch as the ferry goes by. The State of the Island dinner takes place at the Put-in-Bay Town Hall. The theme is a “Classic Summer Picnic.” Hot dogs and fixings are served.

Sat., March 26th – First weekend of Spring, and islanders awake too low 20-degree temperatures. Some are convinced a glacier will come down from North Bass this summer.

Sun., March 27th – What do you do on a cold spring day if you live in North Bass? Bud Stonerook makes sugar-coated pecans to eat with his wine. He says it’s better than cheese.

Mon., March 28th – With morning temperatures in the mid-twenties, there’s a tad of “skim” ice along the shore in the Bay. There’s a 5th birthday party for Emil Michael at Ahoy B&B.

Tues., March 29th – Billy Market is out taking another of his beautiful sunrise pictures for the Put-in-Bay Facebook Page. The bubblers (actually aerators) used to keep the Crew’s Nest docks ice-free in winter are put away. Rehearsals are going on at the Town Hall for
the spring play.

Wed., March 30th – Just what the island needs…….SNOW! Fortunately, it’s just a little in the evening time. Did you see the Border Patrol boat off Middle Bass today? We hear they caught some drug smugglers bringing in cheap prescription drugs for American seniors from Canada.

Thurs., March 31st – It’s Tipper’s Bartender Patty Bauer’s birthday. She thinks the snow the night before was just for her.


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