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Put-in-Bay News February 2017 Island Gossip & Thoughts

Put-in-Bay News for February 2017-The annual Put-in-Bay Recreation Committee-sponsored Talent Show will take place a bit later in March than usual, but start rehearsing now if you have something you can do on stage which will showcase your unique talent. The show will take place on Friday, March 24th, at 7 p.m. in the school gym. There will be cash prizes! Everyone of all ages with all talents is welcome. Contact Donna Steinbach at (434) 906-2777 for more info and/or pre-registration. Donna’s email isdmsteinbach@gmail.com.

Browns Backers-The Lake Erie Islands Browns Backer 2017 Annual Meeting will take place on February 5th at 4:30 p.m. at Tippers. The group is also having an appetizer contest at the beginning of the meeting, so if you’ve got something yummy, enter it in the contest. At the meeting, voting for officers and donation requests will take place.

Put-in-Bay News reports that the David Dress family was at Disneyworld in mid-January for a week. Kathy and David Holscott headed to Australia on the first leg of a Princess World cruise in January. Jeff and Joy Berquist were on a Western Caribbean cruise in January. Mark Mathys was in Costa Rica competing in a billfish tournament.

Red Cross-The area Red Cross is planning a 10th Annual Club Red Gala on Friday, July 21st, to celebrate 100 years of service in Ottawa County. The Red Cross also serves the Bass Islands. Watch Put-in-Bay News for details.

Arthur Wolf from Middle Bass Island (Put-in-Bay High School Class of 2014) lives in Salt Lake City and works at a ski resort. Arthur is the assistant shop manager at Canyon Mountain Rentals at Canyons Resort in Park City, Utah.

Water Bill Payments-If you are not pleased about no longer being able to drop your water bill payments off at the main shoot on the door at the utility plant, let your elected officials know. If you don’t want to mail your payment, you must drop it off at the Town Hall.

Put-in-Bay News spoke with utility workers concerned about a 50,000-gallon per-day water loss in recent weeks. Apparently found, a meter on one of the water storage tanks needed to be re-calibrated. Obviously, that solved the problem.

LED Lighting at school-Island contractor Mike McCabe from Baycraft Builders has been working on replacing all the lights at Put-in-Bay School with LED lighting. If all goes well, there will be an eight-year payback. The project has taken several months.

Put-in-Bay News is looking into paid parking downtown. One of the proposals in front of the Village Council is to switch from free parking in the downtown area to paid parking. Let your elected officials know if you think this is a good idea.

What would you like to see? If you would like to see something special in the Put-in-Bay Gazette or have an idea for topics or articles you’d like to see, please email your suggestions to pibgazette@frontier.com

Chocolate Fest– Who will be this year’s Chocolate Champ? You might be if you enter your chocolate treat in the Chocolate Fest at the Erie Islands Library on Saturday, February 4th at 10 a.m. Judging will begin at 10:30 a.m. If you aren’t a chocolate treat maker, you can still visit the library and enjoy all the entries. Whether it’s a piece of fudge, a rich, gooey brownie, cake, candy, or cookie, we guarantee you will find something to die for. Everyone is welcome!

Spring Play-Joe Foutts from the Arts Council says there will be auditions for the Spring Play on Tuesday, February 7th, at 6:30 p.m., at the Town Hall. Joe says is looking to present the comedy “Is There a Doctor in the House?” in April on the 7th, 8th, and 9th. If you are a student or adult who would like to be in the play or help with the production, please show up at the first audition. Everyone is welcome!

Quiz Bowl Math-Contestants are needed for the Put-in-Bay High School Quiz Bowl Team versus the Put-in-Bay  Community. The match will take place on Tues. February 21st from noon to 1 p.m. Complimentary pizza lunch provided to all contestants. Please call the school office at (419) 285-3614 to participate as a contestant by Friday, February 17th. Anyone on the island can enter, so sign up and prove to your friends how brilliant you are.


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