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Can You Volunteer At Put-in-Bay?

One of the things Kim Stoiber Morrisson, the new president of the Put-in-Bay Chamber of Commerce, and others noticed at the Chamber’s annual State of the Island event in April was how many great organizations here on the island depend on volunteers. With that in mind, Kim called the Put-in-Bay Gazette with a great idea – how about a column each month with a list of those looking for people to volunteer for upcoming events?

We at the Gazette jumped at the thought. Over the years, we learned finding volunteers to help with island events is quite an undertaking. Often it’s because people who want to volunteer don’t know what events need help, what needs to be done, who and how to contact to volunteer, plus all the other info needed such as scheduling and job requirements.

So with that, we ask any group or organization needing volunteers to send us information about their upcoming needs. We will post them in a monthly column called “Volunteer Opportunities.” There is no cost involved. Email your volunteer needs to pibgazette@frontier.com. The deadline for this info is the 20th of each month for the following month’s edition. Depending on your event, you may want to post it a month or two ahead of time. Information for your post should include dates, job, physical requirements, contact information, etc.

This is a great opportunity for new members of the island community to get involved. And don’t forget; children can be volunteers, too. So here is this month’s call out for volunteers………

FOUNDER’S DAY – The PIB Chamber of Commerce seeks volunteers to assist with children’s games at Founder’s Day Celebration at DeRivera Park Sunday, June 12th. Two volunteers are needed from Noon to 1:30 p.m. and two volunteers from 1:30 to 3 p.m. Love of the little ones is required! Call 419-285-2832


1) Help Maintain the Gardens at the Wildlife Center. Help Monitor the Butterfly Garden Once a week for one hour. Contact Jackie Taylor for more information on how you can help at 419-279-3199.

2) Volunteers are needed for the Pig Roast Fundraiser at The Goat Restaurant on August 10th – We will need help setting up and tearing down, can always use extra hands at the event too. Stargazing Cruise in September – Always could use service setting up and tearing down, and someone who could help take tickets/money for the event. Call Jackie at 419- 279-3199.

3) Help at Nature Camp anytime. To look at their programs and camp dates this year, visit their website, lakeerieislandswildlife.com. Call Jackie at 419-279-3199.

4) At the LAKE ERIE ISLANDS NATURE & WILDLIFE CENTER- We could always use some help at the front desk taking the money and answering questions! Call Jackie at 419-279-3199.

MASSIE CLIFFSIDE PRESERVE CLEAN-UP – Contact Lisa (419) 366-2087 or (419) 285-5811 to help clean up the Put-in-Bay Twp Park District’s Massie Cliffside Preserve.

NATURE OPPORTUNITIES – The Lake Erie Islands  Conservancy seeks volunteers to pull the invasive garlic mustard at our island preserves, including the Middle Bass Island East Point Preserve, Jane Coates Wildflower Trail, and Ladd Carr Wildlife Woods. Contact Lisa Brohlfor instructions at leiconservancy@gmail.com or 285-5811

RESALE SHOP – Call Marsha Baumert at (419) 285- 0207 or (419) 285-0097 and leave a message to volunteer at the Resale Shop


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